Ruby on Rails
React / React Native

We are technical people, but we live to solve your toughest business challenges

Our focus on delivering solid business value has transformed the following businesses

Minimal Audio

Minimal Audio

E-commerce company selling SFX and VST plugin in which MagmaLabs got to work from design to production, across Design Thinking techniques and modern web tools.



Spin, a top player in micromobility, uses MagmaLabs' tech solutions for both riders and internal teams. These include customer-facing mobile apps, smart IoT communication, and robust backend services, all of which are scalable and high-performing.



Telepsychiatry intermediary aims to provide great patient and provider experience. Together, we have built and supported their customer-facing and backend platforms, as well as business integrations and legacy applications.



We build and support systems for large constructions projects management reporting and management. These tools support budgeting, contracts, invoicing, finance and forecasting.